- Bike Club
- Bike Club’s mission is to promote health and fitness education among students as well as teach them the basic mechanics of how a bicycle operates
- Safety Patrol
- To promote safety awareness while developing leadership skills and good citizenship qualities in students.
- Change Makers
- Change Makers is a semester-long, 25-session after school and in-school youth leadership development and action program that empowers our elementary students to make meaningful change in their schools and communities.
- Breakfast Club
- Skelly TV Crew
Fine Arts
In elementary grade art classes, students will explore many different aspects of visual art. Students will let their creativity flow by engaging in activities such as drawing and painting with various materials. They also learn art vocabulary, explore the work of many different artists and art movements, and learn to appreciate art as it enhances our world.
In elementary grade music classes, students will learn and practice the basic fundamental elements of music such as sound, melody, harmony, rhythm, and expression (dynamics, tempo, articulation). Students will engage in singing, playing instruments, responding to music with movement, and connecting with various cultures through music. These classes will help students develop creativity, self-expression, and problem-solving while creating music together as a team. These classes will also provide students with performance opportunities, which will help them develop a sense of ensemble, tolerance, perseverance, and rigor—enabling them to be well-rounded citizens of our global society.
Multilingual Literacy Program
This is an opportunity for students to become multilingual by learning English and Spanish at the same time which will increase career and college opportunities in their future.
We serve pre-K through 5th grade with the one-way language model.
Multilingual programs strengthen and sustain students’ connections to their culture and heritage - it is available for students of all languages and cultures.
Click here to learn more about Tulsa Public Schools Multilingual Literacy Program.
One-Way Model
Students learn to read first in their dominant language in pre-K - 1st grade
In 2nd - 5th grade, students take spanish language arts and english language arts
math in English
Science and Social Studies in Spanish
morning meetings, community circles, and breaks done in the language of the day (flips back and forth between spanish and english)
Esta es una oportunidad para que los estudiantes sean hablantes multilingües al aprender inglés y español al mismo tiempo, lo que aumentará las oportunidades profesionales y universitarias en su futuro.
Brindamos servicios desde prekínder hasta quinto grado con el modelo de lenguaje bilingüe de una vía.
Los programas multilingües fortalecen y mantienen las conexiones de los estudiantes con su cultura y herencia; están disponibles para estudiantes de todos los idiomas y culturas.